At each of the following pages, you will find lists of taxa, sorted by Family. The taxa for which I have published TaxonFiles will be linked to those files, so if there is something in particular you are looking for, you will find it there. Completed TaxonFiles are indicated by a ‘»’ symbol before their name. Leer más.

Agentes de la Policía Nacional y de la Guardia Civil han recuperado un total de 127 reptiles de hasta 54 especies diferentes, entre víboras, cobras o crótalos, todos ellos destinados a su venta ilegal en un domicilio de la localidad de Getafe, según ha informado este martes la Jefatura Superior de Policía y la Comandancia de la Guardia Civil en Madrid. Leer más.
ZooKeys 370 (2014) Special Issue. Ir al enlace.
For wood frogs in Alaska’s interior, Arctic weather is more than a temporary, headline-grabbing phenomenon. Frigid temperatures are the norm for months at a time. But these tiny amphibians cope quite well and represent an extreme in freeze-tolerant organisms, researchers reported here Monday at the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Leer más.
Marine turtles are among the most endangered species of the world ocean. For a better protection of these fascinating animals, scientists try to understand why turtles return to their birthplace in order to reproduce after rather long distance migrations. Leer más.