Hundreds of snakes and rodents are found on Wednesday in the home of a southern California elementary school teacher after neighbours complained about a smell coming from the house. William Buchman, who has lived alone at the house since his mother died in 2011, was arrested on suspicion of animal cruelty. Leer más.
“Quelonia” es una tortuga verde hallada en aguas de Gran Canaria con un anzuelo clavado en el estómago y el cráneo fracturado a machetazos. Tras meses de cuidados en el Centro de Recuperación de la Fauna Silvestre de Tafira ha podido regresar al mar, desplazándose junto a una estatua de Neptuno. Leer más.
Last week during the blizzard, David Stanwood got a very strange visitor. The guest came in the dark of night, brought in by the family dog, and was no longer among the living. Leer más.
Una ONG norteamericana dedica 2014 a este anfibio. Leer más.