Quantitative descriptions of animal vocalizations can inform an understanding of their evolutionary functions, the mechanisms for their production and perception, and their potential utility in taxonomy, population monitoring, and conservation. The goal of this study was to provide the first acoustical and statistical analysis of the advertisement calls of Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis. Leer más.

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County leaders are reluctant to dip into taxpayers’ wallets to preserve a snake habitat disrupted by new development. So they are waging a battle with the seldom-seen snake that’s not much longer than a typical worm. Leer más.
The Turtle Survival Alliance has been part of a highly successful collaboration with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in Myanmar to conserve critically endangered and endemic turtles and tortoises since 2009. Leer más.
En la zona mediterránea las riadas causan grandes perturbaciones naturales que pueden llegar a cambiar totalmente la fisionomía de las ramblas y ríos. Es común, entre otras cosas, que desaparezcan algunas charcas o zonas donde los anfibios se reproducían habitualmente para aparecer un poco más allá, otras que hasta antes no existían. Leer más. |