The huge tooth of a ferocious Jurassic marine reptile has made its way into the Museum’s collection. Leer más.

New research has found that adult sea-turtle migrations and their selection of feeding sites are directly influenced by their past experiences as little hatchlings adrift in ocean currents. When they breed, adult sea turtles return to the beach where they were born. After breeding, adult sea turtles typically migrate several hundreds to thousands of kilometres to their feeding habitats. However, there has been little information about how turtles chose their feeding sites. Leer más.
![]() | Charla para dar a conocer las últimas investigaciones sobre la lagartija protegida Podarcis pityusensis. Lugar: Oficinas municipales de Sant Jordi Entrada gratuíta Divendres 6 de juny. Hora: 19.00 h. Sala d’actes de les oficines Municipals de Sant Jordi. Ir al enlace. |
![]() | El verano pasado estuvimos en Cardoso de la Sierra (Guadalajara) creando una charca para anfibios con la ayuda de unos 15 voluntarios y del grupo local de WWF en Guadalajara. Menos de un año después, como muestran estas fotos, el trabajo ha dado sus frutos y una ranita de San Antón ha colonizado la charca. Leer más. |
Gathering People to Conserve the Unique Frogs of Madagascar. The meeting will be held at Centre ValBio in Ranomafana from 19-22 November 2014. Easily reachable by car from Antananarivo, Centre ValBio is a state of the art research station has excellent workshop and conference facilities and successfully hosted the 2013 International Prosimian Congress. CENTRE VALBIO PARC NATIONAL DE RANOMAFANA,MADAGASCAR. 19-22 November 2014. Ir al enlace.