The world never ceases to amaze me and in spite of man being on the planet for thousands of years, we keep discovering new species. The World Wildlife Fund released a report yesterday stating that the Greater Mekong region of Southeast Asia (Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam) is home to 367 new animal and plant species that were discovered in 2012-2013. Leer más.

Crocodile stories keep surfacing lately in Costa Rica. One hung out shoreside with tourists in Guanacaste on Wednesday. A couple weeks ago a croc crashed a hospital in Ciudad Neily. In late April, a man made the misguided decision to wade into the famously crocodile-infested waters of the Río Tárcoles. Leer más.
Nadzikambia is a monotypic genus described to accommodate the Mulanje chameleon, N. mlanjensis. During herpetological surveys of isolated mountains in Mozambique a population of chameleons was discovered on Mount Mabu. Leer más.
The taxonomic status of recently discovered populations of pygmy chameleons (Rhampholeon) from the northern Mozambique montane isolates of Mt. Chiperone, Mt. Mabu, Mt. Inago and Mt. Namuli are assessed, and compared with the closest geographical congeners, including Rhampholeon platyceps Günther 1893 from Mt. Mulanje, and Rh. chapmanorum Tilbury 1992 from the Malawi Hills, both in southern Malawi. Leer más.
California is currently in what many are calling a 500 year drought. According to the U.S. Drought Monitor 71.78% of California is currently under an extreme drought and the Governor of California has declared a drought emergency which included, among other things, suspending the California Environmental Quality Act. -Leer más.