Víbora hocicuda (Vipera latastei). las fotos son de dos ejemplares distintos, un adulto y un juvenil, fotografiados el mismo día en el Moncayo, Zaragoza. Ir al enlace.

The re-examination of a sparrow-sized fossil from China challenges the commonly held belief that birds evolved from ground-dwelling theropod dinosaurs that gained the ability to fly. The birdlike fossil is actually not a dinosaur, as previously thought, but much rather the remains of a tiny tree-climbing animal that could glide. Leer más.
Reptiles whose gender depends on temperature must become more widespread to survive the effects of climate change, according to new research. Leer más.
With a long, slimy body and beady eyes, North America’s largest salamander wouldn’t top any cutest animal lists. The hellbender’s alien appearance and mysterious ways have earned the big amphibian a bad reputation and unflattering nicknames ranging from snot otter to devil dog. Leer más.
El Centro de Interpretación de la Sierra de Guadarrama nos propone el sábado 13 de julio un taller de identificación de anfibios además de conocer las principales amenazas a las que están sometidos y cómo ayudarles. Leer más.