The beginning of June always holds a nice fieldtrip in store for us in one of the most beautiful parts of the Netherlands – Drenthe. This area is patch work of heath lands, grasslands, swamps and beautiful woodlands. – Leer más.

Call it the Jimmy Durante of dinosaurs — a newly discovered hadrosaur with a truly distinctive nasal profile. The new dinosaur, named Rhinorex condrupus by paleontologists, lived in what is now Utah approximately 75 million years ago during the Late Cretaceous period. Leer más.
We found a unique, burrow-utilising dicroglossid frog of the genus Limnonectes from western Sarawak, East Malaysia. This frog is always found near burrows on the ground, into which it escapes when disturbed. It is much divergent from other congeners in morphology and mtDNA sequences. Leer más.
We climbed deeper into the cave, approaching a site of a Mayan ritual. Here – Abel, our half Mayan guide explained – in this pitch-black underground chamber in one of Belize’s countless limestone caves, ancient Mayans performed gruesome bloodletting rituals, slicing women’s tongues and men’s genitals to entice gods to relieve dry, parched fields with life-giving rains. He pointed to razor-thin slivers of obsidian laying among shards of broken clay pots. In the light of my headlamp I could see a few piles of ash that looked as if the fire went out only a few hours ago, but in fact they had burned hundreds, perhaps over a thousand years before I was born, and the complete lack of air movement, or any other disturbance, preserved them perfectly. Leer más.
Agentes del Cuerpo General de la Policía Canaria con base en Gran Canaria, que realizan sus funciones en el área de Medio Ambiente, han procedido a la incautación y puesta a disposición de los centros autorizados de setenta y dos ejemplares de una especie exótica invasora de serpiente. Leer más.