Eslizón tridáctilo ibérico (Chalcides striatus) y Culebra viperina (Natrix maura).

Polluted urban and farm runoff in Hawaii has been linked to lethal tumors in endangered sea turtles. A new study finds that excess nitrogen in the runoff accumulates in algae that the turtles eat and can cause the disease Fibropapillomatosis which is the leading known cause of death in endangered green sea turtles. The disease causes the formation of tumors on the animals’ eyes, flippers, and internal organs. Leer más.
P. alleghaniensis is the largest snake in Virginia, adults averaging in size to a length of 80 inches. They are nonvenomous and, generally, not aggressive. I have caught three full grown Black Rat Snakes within the past three years and, out of those three, one put up a fight. Leer más.
In these times of rapidly changing climates, a major question is whether species will be able to survive. Essentially, they have two options: either shift their geographic ranges to stay within their ancestral niches, or adapt to new circumstances. Leer más.
Researchers have enlisted a Caribbean lizard to help them find out on how geography can influence the evolution of animal species. Leer más.