By examining research on global patterns of amphibian diversification over hundreds of millions of years, researchers have discovered that ‘sexually dimorphic’ species — those in which males and females differ in size, for example — are at lower risk of extinction and better able to adapt to diverse environments. Leer más.

Anolis auratus is one of the most widespread mainland anoles, with a range stretching from Costa Rica through much of northern top of South America on both sides of the Andes. It’s biology is surprisingly little known, though it is thought to be a grassland species; that and it’s morphological similarity to grass-inhabiting Caribbean anoles has led some to argue that this species is a member of the grass-bush ecomorph category. Leer más.
Three dead and 24 ailing turtles have been found in and along the banks of the Bellinger River, north of Lavender’s Bridge. Leer más.
L’objectiu general d’aquest estudi és fer una aproximació a l’estat de conservació de les poblacions d’amfibis, especialment els urodels, i determinació de la presència del fong Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis al Parc Natural dels Aiguamolls de l’Empordà (PNAE). Leer más. |