Amazonia contains one of the world’s richest biotas, but origins of this diversity remain obscure. Onset of the Amazon River drainage at approximately 10.5 Ma represented a major shift in Neotropical ecosystems, and proto-Amazonian biotas just prior to this pivotal episode are integral to understanding origins of Amazonian biodiversity, yet vertebrate fossil evidence is extraordinarily rare. Leer más.

Streams within approx. 40% of the global land surface are at risk from the application of insecticides. These were the results from the first global map to be modeled on insecticide runoff to surface waters. Streams, especially those in the Mediterranean, the USA, Central America and Southeast Asia are at risk. Leer más.
Una nueva especie de rana acuática, de vientre amarillo, fue descubierta en la región andina de Huancavelica (sureste) y fue bautizada por un grupo de biólogos peruanos y estadounidenses como Tematobius ventriflavum. Leer más.
![]() | En 2014 se encontraron varadas o se capturaron de forma accidental en la Comunitat Valenciana un total de 58 tortugas, la mayoría de la especie de tortuga boba, salvo tres ejemplares de tortuga verde, olivácea y laúd, inmformaron a Efe fuentes de la Conselleria de Medio Ambiente. Leer más. |
The first intact skull of a Mediterranean worm lizard has been found in Spain, according to a new study. Only isolated fragments of fossil Mediterranean worm lizards have previously been found in Europe, and currently, our limited knowledge of their evolution is mainly based on molecular studies. The worm lizard is a limbless, scaled reptile and categorized in the genus Blanus in the Mediterranean. Leer más.