The course will provide an updated review and synthesis of the current state of ecotoxicology of chemical contaminants and and ecological risk assessment in amphibians and reptiles. It will also give an overview on different methodologies used to collect animals in the field, to culture them in the laboratory, and to generate ecotoxicological data. All the information will be complemented with the presentation of national and international case studies. Leer más.

El 27 de marzo Raquel Abellán, Patricia Tarín y yo estuvimos en Calblanque haciendo el seguimiento SARE de reptiles en la cuadrícula XG96. Durante el censo observamos 20 reptiles de las siguientes especies: culebra de herradura, camaleón común, lagarto ocelado, lagartija colilarga, lagartija de Edwards y lagartija colirroja. Leer más. |
If they did, it would make saving them so much easier. When people create an ecopassage so the reptiles can safely cross a road by going underneath or over it, they could let the animals know with little signs saying “Don’t become roadkill! Safe crossing, left 20 meters.” Leer más.
We describe a new frog, Pristimantis mutabilis sp. nov., from the Andes of Ecuador. Individuals of the new species are remarkable for their ability to change skin texture from tuberculate to almost smooth in a few minutes, being the first documented amphibian species to show such dramatic phenotypic plasticity. Leer más.
Ecopassages may be less effective reptile road mortality mitigation tools when fences fail to keep reptiles from accessing the road. Leer más.