The skin of the box-patterned gecko (Lucasium sp.) is able to prevent the adhesion of everything from household liquids to dirt and bacteria, according to new research. The skin also exhibited self-cleaning properties. Leer más.

A captive tuatara in New Zealand has unexpectedly become a father at the ripe old age of 111 after receiving treatment for a cancer that made him hostile toward prospective mates. Leer más.
A man-eating crocodile that became an attraction on the Greek island of Crete last year after its mysterious appearance in a lake has died, probably of cold, an official said Monday. Leer más.
Frogs are just great animals to have around,” said Chris Anchor, chief wildlife biologist for the Forest Preserves of Cook County. “They make life in the city better and more interesting. What says ‘peaceful summer evening’ better than a chorus of frogs?” Leer más.