A new bush frog of the Philautus aurifasciatus group is described from the montane forest of the karst mountain Gunung Api in the Gunung Mulu National Park, eastern Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Leer más.

Proceratophrys caramaschii was described only from a single locality in Mucuripe, Fortaleza municipality, Ceará state, Brazil. The discovery of a new population of this poorly known species facilitated the collection of new data regarding colour in life, vocalization, habitat, and geographic distribution. It has a much wider distribution than formerly thought, is considerably variable in its colour pattern, and its reproductive strategy is strongly associated with the beginning of the rainy season. Leer más.
A new species of Philautus is described from western Sarawak. The new species was collected in lower montane forest in two national parks in Sarawak and recorded from another park. Leer más.
Krause, E. T. & B. A. Caspers. Salamandra 51(2). Fire salamanders are amphibians that exhibit a highly specific reproductive mode termed ovo-viviparity. The eggs develop inside their mothers, and the females give birth to fully developed larvae. The larvae in our study area cluster in two distinct genetic groups that can be linked directly to the habitat (stream or pond) in which the larvae were deposited. Leer más.
Reinhard, S. & A. Kupfer. Salamandra 51(2). Amphibians have developed a large set of life-history strategies and demonstrate an impressive diversity of reproductive patterns compared to other vertebrates. Various selection pressures impact on males and females and see them produce different degrees of sexual dimorphism in order to maximise their reproductive success. Leer más.