The sex of young lizards emerging from the nest can be influenced by the surrounding temperature as well as their genetic make-up, Australian researchers have found – a phenomenon that has never before been seen in the wild. Leer más.

This result suggests that the Simão river contributes to the Poço do Inferno population and that medium-large streams may constitute prime C. lusitanica habitat. Larval mortalities estimated for stable and declining populations are remarkable close (0.69 and 0.73, respectively), but dissimilar to the larval mortality at ca. 0.51 of an increasing population such as at Poço do Inferno. Leer más
Una tortuga boba -Caretta caretta- anidó anoche en la playa de La Mata y puso unos 50 huevos en la arena en un hecho insólito en una playa tan concurrida como esta y que se documenta por primera vez en Torrevieja, según ha indicado el biólogo municipal Juan Antonio Pujol, que ha estado toda la noche custodiando la zona, junto al funcionario del área playas Mariano Lara. Leer más.