José Teixeira, Iñigo Martínez-Solano, David Buckley, Pedro Tarroso, Mario García-París, Nuno Ferrand. Contributions to Zoology, 84 (3) – 2015. Through a combination of phylogenetic, phylogeographic continuous diffusion, and genetic landscape modelling analyses, we infer the evolutionary history of the species. We found notable congruence between nuclear and mtDNA datasets, which confirms deep and consistent differentiation between two major lineages that originated in the Miocene. Leer más.

Los estragos del volcán Cotopaxi provocarían la desaparición de la única población de rana cohete, especie emblemática del sector de Molinuco, cerca de Quito. Leer más.
Tres equipos científicos independientes participaron en el redescubrimiento de un reducido grupo de batracios en bosques montañosos cerca de Cuenca; y lo más importante, observaron que los sapos recién descubiertos no muestran indicios de quítrido, mortífero hongo al que atribuyeron su desaparición hace casi 15 años. Leer más.
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Laurane Winandy and Mathieu Denoël. Behavioral Ecology first published online July 10, 2015. We experimentally assessed the impact of goldfish on the foraging behavior of both phenotypes of palmate newts (Lissotriton helveticus). More particularly, we assessed fish personality by analyzing the foraging activity and the aggressiveness toward newts, and newt personality by analyzing individual difference in boldness. In the presence of fish, fewer newts foraged than in their absence, and paedomorphs were more affected than metamorphs. We found strong personality differences in fish and fewer newts foraged in the presence of a more aggressive fish. Newts differed in boldness, but fish aggressiveness remains a key factor to explain newt behavior. Leer más.