Herpetological surveys in the dry forests of the limestone massif Montagne des Français in the far north of Madagascar have recently yielded a number of undescribed reptile species. Leer más.

The world’s oldest fossil sea turtle known to date has been found by scientists. The fossilized reptile is at least 120 million years old — which makes it about 25 million years older than the previously known oldest specimen. The almost completely preserved skeleton from the Cretaceous, with a length of nearly 2 meters, shows all of the characteristic traits of modern marine turtles. Leer más.
Cuando era un niño, viajábamos una vez al año al pueblo de mi padre en Extremadura. Y mi hermano y yo, siempre aprovechábamos la ocasión para ir a la búsqueda de bichos. Uno de los mas alucinantes era el gallipato ( Pleurodeles waltl ). Este es un tritón que puede llegar a alcanzar los 30 cm de longitud. Leer más.