ACN Parets del Vallès.-L’equip d’investigació de l’Escola de la Natura de Parets del Vallès va desenvolupar l’any 2004 el projecte Grafi, un estudi que vol aportar coneixements sobre la morfologia, biologia i distribució de la granota de Graf (Pelophylax kl. grafiç) i comparar-los amb ( Pelophylax perezi) en l’àmbit català. Leer más.

A female Yangtze giant softshell turtle (Rafetus swinhoei) — potentially the last female of her species — has been artificially inseminated. The procedure, which brought together top scientists from China, Australia and the United States, provides a ray of hope in a continuing effort to save the world’s most endangered turtle. Leer más.
Tropidurus Wied, 1825, is one of the most ubiquitous lizard genera endemic to South America. Herpetologists from different regions of the continent have progressively mapped new populations, including undescribed species hidden under widely distributed nominal taxa. Currently, four monophyletic species groups are recognized in Tropidurus (T. bogerti group [monotypic], T. semitaeniatus group [four species], T. spinulosus group [five species], and T. torquatus group [16 species]), but none have been comprehensively revised taxonomically. Leer más.
We describe a new species of Varanus from Mussau Island, north-east of New Guinea. The new species is a member of the Varanus indicus species group and is distinguished from all other members by both morphological and molecular genetic characters. Leer más.
Our understanding of coelurosaurian evolution, particularly of bird origins, has been greatly improved, mainly due to numerous recently discovered fossils worldwide. Nearly all these discoveries are referable to the previously known coelurosaurian subgroups. Leer más.