Misty mountains, glistening forests and blue-green lakes make Cameroon, the wettest part of Africa, a tropical wonderland for amphibians. The country holds more than half the species living on the continent, including dozens of endemic frogs — an animal that has been under attack across the world by the pervasive chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis). Africa has been mostly spared from the deadly and rampant pathogen that wiped out entire species in Australia, Madagascar and Panama — until now. Leer más.

Almost the entire population of Bellinger River snapping turtles has been wiped out since February. Leer más.
Sublíñase que en territorio galego, a Víbora fuciñuda, é moi escasa e localizada, limitándose ao cuadrante sueste da provincia de Ourense, por cima dos 800 metros de altitude, polo que calquera citat é de elevado interese, máis aínda ao tratarse dunha nova grella de dez por dez quilómetros. Leer más.