Native to central and southern Europe, the amphibious alpine newt breeds in shallow water, where its larvae are born, hatch and feed on plankton, before sprouting legs and moving to land. This timelapse video from the Dutch director Jan van IJken tracks the development of a single-celled zygote into the hatched larva of an alpine newt. Leer más.

Complex geological processes often drive biotic diversification on islands. The islands of Sumatra and Java have experienced dramatic historical changes, including isolation by marine incursions followed by periodic connectivity with the rest of Sundaland across highland connections. To determine how this geological history influenced island invasions, we investigated the colonization history and diversification of bent-toed geckos (genus Cyrtodactylus) on Sumatra and west Java. Leer más.
“Las tortugas gigantes no podían nacer de forma natural porque las ratas que habitaban la isla Pinzón se comían sus huevos”, explicó Rueda. Leer más.
Nearly two million reptiles are being slaughtered every day by Australia’s cat population, including several species under threat of extinction. Australia is home to a highly unique array of animals, and many of these creatures are being pushed to the brink of extinction by the nation’s cats. Leer más.