
We are proud to announce that the 9thedition of the Brazilian Herpetology Congress will be held in Campinas, São Paulo, from 22 to 26thJuly 2019. This year’s theme is Inclusive Herpetology. We want to invite you to join us to celebrate such great biological, and cultural diversity only found in Brazil! Amongst the speakers, we will have great names, as Célio Haddad, Paula Eterovick, Ana Prudente, Christine Strüssmann, Marcio Martins, Karen Warkentin, David Blackburn, Mike Ryan, and Dan Rabosky. Leer más.


Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal) is a recently discovered fungal pathogen from Asia that is emerging and causing salamander declines in Europe. Unregulated trade of infected non-native salamanders is believed to be the route of entry. North America is home to the greatest diversity of salamanders in the world. Currently, no regulations exist in North America that require pathogen-free trade of amphibians. Estimates of trade volume and pathogen prevalence suggest that thousands of Bsal-infected salamanders could have already crossed U.S. borders, although to date, no positive Bsal detections have occurred. Risk models developed by the U.S. Geological Survey based on environmental suitability suggest that the likelihood of Bsal invasion in North America is high. However, these and other risk analyses have not taken into consideration the susceptibility of amphibian host species, which could affect Bsal invasion potential. Leer más.
