The recent shocking UN report on the threatened extinction of one million species has focused global attention on the crucial role of biodiversity in the health of the planet. Almost exactly 30 years ago, the first warning sounded that amphibian species were already in potentially catastrophic freefall. Tim Halliday, who has died aged 73, was one of the leading figures in a worldwide initiative to raise the alarm, and to understand the reasons for the decline. The current chief scientist of the Amphibian Survival Alliance, Phil Bishop, called him “the leading champion and ambassador for all things amphibian”. Leer más.

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Movement, both within an individual’s home range and at the scale of dispersal, is a fundamental aspect of an animal’s life. The field of movement ecology has established a conceptual framework to analyze the lifetime movement of an organism, offering a sound basis for conservation actions since the movement range of many species has been altered by habitat fragmentation and degradation. Leer más.
La monitorización de reptiles en estas áreas contaminadas puede por tanto suponer un indicador del riesgo de exposición de otros grupos de fauna silvestre. En este estudio analizamos la exposición de galápagos leprosos a plomo (Pb) y mercurio (Hg) en las zonas mineras del sur de Ciudad Real con el propósito de validar el uso de heces y de piezas desprendidas de la capa epidérmica del caparazón como métodos no invasivos de monitorización de estos metales. Leer más.