Reference: OCT20191772. Expiry date: 23:59, 04 November 2019. Location: Chester. Salary: £21,356.63 Per Annum. Benefits: Excellent benefits package. Keeper – Lower Vertebrates & Invertebrates. Permanent – 40 hours per week. Leer más.

Este año, como no podía ser de otra manera, hemos realizado muchas jornadas de rescate.
Además la cuadrilla de rescatadores va creciendo y de esta manera podemos abarcar mas terreno y evitar muchas mas muertes en trampas como aljibes o sifones. Leer más.
Because of imprinted preferences, strawberry poison frog females mate more with similar colored males, and less with differently colored males. Over time, the behavior could lead to two color types becoming separate species. Leer más.
Parental care is extremely diverse across species, ranging from simple behaviours to complex adaptations, varying in duration and in which sex cares. Surprisingly, we know little about how such diversity has evolved. Here, using phylogenetic comparative methods and data for over 1300 amphibian species, we show that egg attendance, arguably one of the simplest care behaviours, is gained and lost faster than any other care form, while complex adaptations, like brooding and viviparity, are lost at very low rates, if at all. Leer más.
Adjuntamos el enlace para este interesante texto en formato digital elaborado por la Asociación Herpetológica Española (AHE) en colaboración con el Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca , Alimentación y Medio Ambiente junto con la empresa pública Tragsatec. Leer más.