The number of nesting sites on the archipelago has risen dramatically, but global heating sees male population plummet. Leer más. The number of sea turtle nests in the archipelago has risen to almost 200,000. Leer más.

Accumulating evidence shows that the body size of organisms in many taxa is declining in response to global warming. We investigated the potential effect of rising temperatures on the body size of a common toad (Bufo bufo L.) population in southern England between 1983 and 2020. The body length (SVL; in millimetres) and body mass (in grams) of 15 550 males and 4004 females arriving at their breeding pond for the first time were recorded. Leer más.
The Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust (ARC) has an update following concerns about a review of legal protection for amphibians and reptiles. As background, government is currently undertaking a review of the species listed for protection under Schedules 5 and 8 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), one of the main articles of legislation used in conservation. This process, known as the Quinquennial Review of the schedules, has been undertaken every five years since the Act came into force, with the current review being the seventh. Leer más.
Australia’s hip-pocket frogs practice one of the most distinctive breeding strategies in the amphibian world – and are actually two species, DNA analysis has revealed. Both species are highly threatened by climate change, habitat loss, and introduced species, and the newly described version is almost certainly critically endangered. Leer más.
Vous l’attendiez, l’Atlas des Amphibiens et des Reptiles des Pays de la Loire est enfin disponible en pré-commande! Cet atlas constitue à la fois un ouvrage de référence pour les naturalistes mais aussi un beau livre permettant aux curieux et amateurs de nature de découvrir un aspect souvent méconnu de la richesse de la biodiversité locale. Il valorise près de 150 000 observations réalisées par 2 268 personnes entre 2010 et 2020. Leer más.