
A new large (94–107mm SVL) species of gecko of the genus Hemidactylus is described from the drier parts of the Western Ghats of India. The new species is closely related to H. graniticolus, from which it can be distinguished based on dorsal pholidosis at mid-body, the structure of tubercles on the dorsum, dorsal pholidosis on the tail. The new species is also 6.6–7.2% divergent from H. graniticolus in the ND2 mitochondrial gene. Leer más.


Toads of the genus Atelopus are chemically defended by a unique combination of endogenously synthesized cardiotoxins (bufadienolides) and neurotoxins which may be sequestered (guanidinium alkaloids). Investigation into Atelopus small-molecule chemical defenses has been primarily concerned with identifying and characterizing various forms of these toxins while largely overlooking their ecological roles and evolutionary implications.  Leer más.

Las charcas o albercas terreras son pequeños depósitos de agua muy frecuentes en Sierra Nevada (Granada). Están situadas junto a un nacimiento y se construían excavando una cubeta y rodeándola con la propia tierra extraída, a veces con un murete de piedras a modo de dique. Con ellas se regaban pequeñas parcelas cultivadas en las laderas de la sierra, en una época en la que predominaba una economía de subsistencia. Leer más.
