El Ayuntamiento de Viladecans (Baix Llobregat) junto con la Diputación de Barcelona han unido fuerzas para mejorar las dos balsas creadas hace una década por el Consistorio en el parque forestal Mas Ratés y en la Font de Can Preses. Leer más.

El Parque Moret cuenta desde ya con una nueva charca (la tercera) para anfibios de 6 metros de largo, 3 de ancho y 0,5 de altura, que se convertirá en un refugio de fauna y flora destinado a la conservación de distintas especies. Leer más.
The larval stage of the European fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra) inhabits both lentic and lotic habitats. In the latter, they are constantly exposed to unidirectional water flow, which has been shown to cause downstream drift in a variety of taxa. In this study, a closed artificial creek, which allowed us to keep the water flow constant over time and, at the same time, to simulates with predefined water quantities and durations, was used to examine the individual movement patterns of marked larval fire salamanders exposed to unidirectional flow. Leer más.
Sand Lizards are one of the UK’s rarest and most elusive reptiles. They are restricted to sandy heathland and sand dune habitats in the south and west of the UK which provide the warm microclimates that they need. Leer más.
A new species of the Geophis dubius group is described from the cloud forests in the mountains north of Xalapa, Veracruz. This new species is most similar to G. turbidus and G. lorancai, from which it differs genetically as well as by a very unique color pattern, morphological characters, and habitat use. Leer más.