The Amphibian Survival Alliance (ASA) is looking for an ambitious new Executive Director to grow and develop the partnership, refine and implement the new strategy, build funding support, increase global awareness of the partnership, and demonstrate impact. The Executive Director will lead a small and committed secretariat and report to a Global Council (view full details here). Leer más.

La investigación -en cuyo equipo ha estado Jaime Bosch, investigador del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC)- indica que, de hecho, este virus podría haberse extendido al resto de Europa desde tierras ibéricas. El desencadenante, tanto de su desarrollo como de su expansión es el calentamiento del clima. Leer más.
Our data allow hypothesizing that the Iberian Peninsula might harbor the ancestral population of CMTVs that could have spread into the rest of Europe. In addition, we found that climate warming could be triggering the CMTV outbreaks, supporting its endemic status in the Iberian Peninsula. Leer más.