During our study period, however, amphibian mortality on bicycle paths in Bargerveen seems no threat to populations, despite the high numbers of cyclists. Leer más.
During our study period, however, amphibian mortality on bicycle paths in Bargerveen seems no threat to populations, despite the high numbers of cyclists. Leer más.
The Central portion of the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia is currently reported to harbor two species of Caecilia distributed at comparable elevations on opposite versants of these Mountains. These are C. corpulenta, known from Virolín, Santander, at 1700–2000 m on the western slopes of the Cordillera Oriental and C. degenerata, known from Garagoa, Boyacá, and Choachí and Fomequé, Cundinamarca, at 1800–2100 m on the eastern slopes of the Cordillera Oriental. Leer más.
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Los anfibios de munches partes d’España tán morriendo pol aumentu de les temperatures y non, como se creía hasta agora, pola so falta de resistencia énte nuevos virus. Paez que ye’l so particular gritu d’alarma polos efectos del cambiu climáticu y un gritu que ta teniendo’l so ecu n’Asturies. Leer más.
The wide-ranging Eurasian species Zootoca vivipara (Lichtenstein, 1823), of the family Lacertidae (Reptilia), is a rare species within the family, possessing multiple sex chromosomes (male Z1Z2Z1Z2/Z1Z2W female). In addition, the intense reorganization of this W sex chromosome is accompanied by active subspeciation and the formation of 4–5 cryptic taxa. Leer más.