Here, we have pointed to consequences related to background matching and stress that amphibians experienced during chromatic adaptations. Background color change causes a complex physiological response affecting the antioxidative defense parameters. This investigation elucidates the accompanying cost of amphibiansʼ adjustment to an altered environment. Leer más.

Using molecular genetic data, recognised diversity within the gecko genus Cyrtodactylus has more than doubled, with many lineages that were once thought to be wide-ranging being delimited into multiple independent species. On the Southeast Asian island of Borneo, there has been a recent renewed focus on reptile taxonomy, as genetic data have demonstrated a high amount of unrecognised biodiversity. Leer más.
A new species of Dipsas Laurenti, 1768, from Central Panama is described based on molecular analyses, hemipenial morphology, and external characters. This is the sixth species of Dipsas to be described for the country; the snake has been suspected to exist since 1977 and has not been thoroughly studied until now. Leer más.
La construcción de charcas es una medida muy eficaz para conseguir recuperar poblaciones de anfibios en declive. Es, además, una estrategia muy económica y relativamente fácil de ejecutar, si la comparamos con la mayor parte de los programas de gestión y conservación de especies. Leer más.