We describe a new species of Eleutherodactylus (subgenus Syrrhophus) from Guerrero, Mexico, based on morphological and molecular data, as well as advertisement call analysis. Eleutherodactylus franzi sp. nov. has unique features including widely expanded fingertips, indistinct, but visible lumbo-inguinal glands, an immaculate white venter and dark reticulations on a cream dorsal background colouration. Leer más.

Anurans of the family Centrolenidae are a highly diverse clade of Neotropical treefrogs. In the last two decades, glassfrogs have become a model system for studies in ecology and evolutionary biology, in part because their taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships are considered relatively well established. Leer más.
The helminth fauna present in the gut contents of Iberian adders, Vipera seoanei (Squamata: Viperidae), were characterised and analysed in respect to biological and eco-geographic factors that may affect the occurrence and diversity of helminths in this species. Leer más.