The new assay showed comparable efficiency to the TaqMan-based qPCR assay. This diagnostic assay can facilitate widespread surveillance of chytridiomycosis where it has been previously absent, which may reveal several reservoirs of the pathogen and can improve our understanding of this important wildlife disease. Leer más.

a nueva especie también se diferencia por tener una cabeza redondeada y grandes tubérculos cónicos en los párpados superiores y en los talones. Además, es relativamente mediana respecto del grupo Scinax rostratus. Leer más.
We studied the taxonomic status of glassfrogs collected in Departamento Huánuco, central Peru, which in the field were tentatively allocated to Chimerella, one of the twelve genera currently recognized in the family Centrolenidae. Leer más.
Co-organisé par VivArmor Nature et Bretagne Vivante, notre prochain congrès se tiendra du 11 au 14 octobre prochains, à Erquy. Nous lançons aujourd’hui l’appel à communications ! jusqu’au 7 juillet pour soumettre vos propositions. Leer más.
Our results suggest that vipers do not fully exploit the thermally optimal time window available to them, likely because they shift their activity to periods with fewer avian predators. Leer más.