Integrated analyses using maximum likelihood (ML), Bayesian inference (BI), principal component analysis (PCA), discriminate analysis of principal components (DAPC), multiple factor analysis (MFA), and analysis of variance (ANOVA) recovered two new diagnosable species of gekkonid lizards in the genus Dixonius, one from the Central Highlands, Gia Lai Province, Vietnam and another from the Vientiane Province, Laos. Leer más.

We describe a new species of the genus Subdoluseps Freitas, Datta-Roy, Karanth, Grismer & Siler from a coastal area in southern Vietnam. Leer más.
Ponds have been largely overlooked but they are vital for biodiversity – and could even help us adapt to climate change. Discover more about these rich and fascinating habitats, how can they help to protect wildlife and their importance to humans as a nature-based solution.
Here we provide an overview of the European vertebrate species of greatest toxicological interest, the clinical manifestations their toxins can cause, and their treatment. We report the clinical symptoms induced by envenomations and poisoning caused by reptiles, fishes, amphibians and mammals in Europe, ranging from mild, local symptoms (e.g., erythema, edema) to systemic and potentially deadly. Leer más.
Un total de 111 especies están en peligro de desaparecer en Cataluña, según el estudio El Estado de la biodiversidad en España en el que ha participado la Fundació Barcelona Zoo. Leer más.