We report new specimens and localities from Guinea-Conakry, a new country record and major range extension of 700 km SE of the type-locality. Leer más.

Our findings, therefore, suggest that species distributions in this contact zone are mainly determined by the environmental conditions, with almost no contribution of competitive pressure. Still, a localized competition might exist due to minor differences in the ecological niches and a marked and unequal reduction of suitable areas for the sympatric populations, which could be favouring V. aspis in small regions of the contact zone. Leer más.
El tráfico ilegal de ranas venenosas es desarrollado por estructuras delictivas organizadas y es una de las principales amenazas a la conservación de estos anfibios. Leer más.
Las especies CITES son animales y plantas silvestres cuyo comercio internacional está prohibido o limitado para evitar su extinción. Leer más.