In order to understand the macroecological architecture of an amphibian metacommunity of a large southern European region located between the Eurosiberian and Mediterranean domains (Galicia), we analyzed nestedness from matrices of presence–absence of 14 species in 3,627 water points, including both ponds and streams, along an altitudinal gradient (0–2,036 m), during a 11-yr period (2003–2013). Leer más.

Monitoring stations that already test for pollution could have dual purpose of mapping declines in biodiversity, reveals new study. Leer más.
In this study, we aimed to understand the contemporary and ancient colonization routes of the Moorish gecko, Tarentola mauritanica, using simple sequence repeats (SSRs). By analyzing the genetic diversity of populations in different regions, we found that Morocco is the genetic diversity hotspot for the species, followed by the Iberian Peninsula. Leer más.