We use integrative taxonomy to formally describe a candidate species of nurse frog of the genus Allobates from southwestern Brazilian Amazonia. The new species nests within a clade that has been defined historically as A. gasconi, but it has an 8.8–11.0% genetic distance for 16S to samples from the type locality of A. gasconi. Leer más.

Now British conservationists, working with Guam and US colleagues, are preparing to return one of the most colourful of these lost species, the kingfisher – also known as the Sihek – to the wild and are using the container at the zoo as a quarantine unit for rearing fledglings. Leer más.
These results suggest that crossmodal associations may be an evolutionary ancient phenomenon, potentially an organizing principle of the vertebrate brain. Leer más.
ace unos días nos dirigimos a la comarca de Guadix (Granada) para revisar algunos puntos de agua conocidos y localizar otros nuevos. Sabemos que no es el mejor momento para buscar anfibios: pleno verano, plena sequía y plena ola de calor, pero hemos de asumir lo que tenemos por aquí. Leer más.