To access the ASA Impact Report and join us in celebrating our achievements, simply click here. We encourage you to download the report, read the inspiring stories, and share it with your network. Leer más.

Record numbers of sea turtles have appeared on Florida beaches this year, and the nesting season is only halfway over. At Juno beach, researchers counted nearly 22,000 turtle nests—more than they’ve ever seen there before. Last year, the Palm Beach County beach had 18,132 nests. Leer más.
Diumenge, tècnics del Parc Natural del Delta de l’Ebre van donar avís de rastre de tortuga marina a la platja del Migjorn (Delta de l’Ebre). La tortuga va fer una posta de 36 ous, que van ser traslladats a la Platja del Serrallo, juntament amb els altres tres nius, ja que la zona presentava risc d’inundació. Leer más.