Le protocole mis en place sera reconduit par le PNP tous les cinq ans. Cette périodicité devrait permettre d’évaluer l’évolution des populations de Lézard de Bonnal sur le plan spatial et temporel, en réponse aux effets du changement climatique et à la progression du Lézard des murailles aux altitudes basses de sa distribution. Leer más.

The Iberian painted frog (Discoglossus galganoi) experienced roadkill declines over time of ∼70 %, while the spiny common toad (Bufo spinosus) and the fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra) had a loss of nearly 50 %, and the Southern marbled newt (Triturus pygmaeus) had 40 %. Despite the decreasing trend in roadkill, spatial patterns seem to be rather stable from year to year. Leer más.
We employed Microhyla fissipes as a model, and utilized a comprehensive approach involving histological analysis, transmission electron microscopy, and transcriptomics to unravel gill development and resorption. Leer más.
Many people who travel to Europe are used to seeing lizards in southern cities but Dan had a shock when he sent a film clip in to Froglife of what he thought was a common lizard in Central London to be told that it was almost certainly a ‘non-native’ wall lizard. Leer más.