Algo más de un tercio de las observaciones de animales atropellados no se estarían registrando en los estudios sobre mortalidad de fauna, debido a que la ubicación de los cadáveres puede dificultar su localización, según un estudio realizado por un equipo científico liderado por la Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC). Leer más.

A total of 81 slabs were placed in nine sampling stations in the southern part of Irún (Basque Autonomous Community, Spain). During the two years of sampling (2020–2021) a total of 79 reptile records were obtained, of which 33 were records of the European whip snake corresponding to 28 individuals. Leer más.
The species is observed at several sites in sympatry with other gecko species. To date, no impact has been observed on the native species and T. mauritanica is not considered invasive. We present an eight-year survey in southern France, where it lives in sympatry with the European leaf-toed gecko Euleptes europaea. Leer más.
From 2013 to 2021 twenty-three Caretta caretta (Loggerhead turtle) nests were found along the coast of Tuscany (Italy, north-western Mediterranean Sea). Loggerhead nesting is a new event for this part of the Mediterranean Sea, which occurred only recently. Laid eggs were 2081 with 943 hatchlings, for an average hatching success of 45.31%, ranging from 0.1 to 95%, depending on the year and the site. Leer más.
This relatively weak freezing tolerance response differs from the strong response exhibited by amphibians inhabiting high latitudes and enduring prolonged freezing conditions, suggesting potential reliance on behavioural adaptations to cope with occasional freezing episodes. Leer mas.