This study not only provides basic biological information on predator-induced developmental plasticity of the endangered Chinhai spiny newt but also likely provides biological insights for the implementation of in situ conservation and preservation efforts for endangered species. Leer más.

While our approach is especially valuable for species with small ranges, controlling for spatial autocorrelation, estimating spatial uncertainty, and incorporating survey‐specific information in estimates can improve the reliability of distribution models in general. Leer más.
Fecha: lunes 3 de junio de 2024 (09:30 a 14:00 h).
Organiza: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. ETSI de Montes, Forestal y del Medio Natural (UPM).
Lugar: Aula de Seminarios (edificio Forestales, ETSI Montes, Forestal y del Medio Natural, UPM, Madrid)