We discuss conservation concerns, including the potential spread of pathogens. Our results suggest unintentional amphibian introductions via the plant-trade may be more frequent than perceived, and call for rigorous monitoring and education efforts. Leer más.

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Color polymorphisms are common across reptile species and are frequently correlated with variation in behavior and other functional traits. Here, we tested whether the ventral color morphs (yellow, orange and white pure morphs, as well as yellow-orange and white-orange mosaic morphs) of Common wall lizards (Podarcis muralis) exhib-it differential temporal changes in their reaction to exposure to a novel environment. Leer más.
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El sapillo pintojo (Discoglossus galganoi), el anfibio más amenazado de la Comunitat Valenciana, ha sido detectado en el Parque Natural del Prats de Cabanes-Torreblanca, tras casi medio siglo sin constancia de esta especie. Artículo del periódico. Artículo completo.