In turn, they also suggest that population differentiation in phenotypic traits associations might be a legacy of past biogeographic dynamics, identifying an overlooked driver of the current phenotypic architecture of animal populations. Leer más.

Una tortuga boba (caretta caretta) de gran tamaño ha desovado 28 huevos este miércoles por la mañana en la playa de Poniente de Benidorm (Alicante). Tras ello, el quelonio ha regresado al mar, mientras que la Policía Local ha procedido al balizamiento de la zona. Leer más.
A diverse group of lizards known as the social skinks is helping scientists answer questions about some of the fundamental workings of evolution. Leer más.
Our results also point to a lower sensitivity of traditional morphological tools to capture the signal that intensive agriculture leaves on development and a lack of capacity of climatic factors in isolation to predict variation in the degree of asymmetry. In addition to encouraging the use of high‐precision methods, we hypothesize on the overall effect of different stressors linked to intensive agriculture as the real constraint. Leer más.