Here, we use new exon-capture and linear morphological datasets to investigate the tempo and mode of morphological evolution in Australo-Melanesian Tiliquini skinks. We generate a well-supported time-calibrated phylogenomic tree from ∼400 nuclear markers for more than 100 specimens, including undescribed diversity, and provide unprecedented resolution of the rapid Miocene diversification of these lizards. Leer más.

Declines were greatest for Epidalea calamita, followed by Pelobates cultripes, Triturus pygmaeus, and Lissotriton boscai. The mean number of species per sampling unit (i.e., grid cell) dropped from 4.3 to 3.1. To preserve Doñana’s amphibian community, it is important to restore the park’s pond network, which implies reducing regional groundwater overexploitation. Leer más.
The analysis of mitochondrial DNA indicated that the maternal lineage was unequivocally M. mutica (pure or hybrid), but nuclear DNA revealed a heterozygote position at the C-mos gene, matching sequences for this gene in GenBank from both M. leprosa and M. mutica. These results highlight the negative impact of alien turtles, which can genetically contaminate vulnerable native turtle populations. Leer más.
Un grupo de investigadores ecuatorianos y españoles han descrito dos nuevas especies de rana de cristal: Centrolene elisae y Centrolene marcoreyesi. Leer más.