We formalize and explore a hypothesis that temperature–size responses in turtles are a result of heat balance, arguing small size in warm environments reduces overheating risk, and large size in cool environments minimizes heat loss. Ultimately, we provide new insight and direction in the study of ecogeographic clines. Leer más.

Cuando los anfibios fueron expuestos a altas concentraciones de litio, en cantidades similares a las que se encuentran en humedales y fuentes de agua dulce cercanas a zonas mineras, presentaron una mortalidad significativa tras solo una semana de exposición. Leer más.
Ecological groups differ in patterns of disparity, convergence and rates of evolution, indicating that divergent evolutionary mechanisms are responsible for the acquisition of different diets and habitats. Our analyses support that lepidosaurs ancestrally use their jaws to capture prey, contrary to the traditional view favouring lingual prehension as ancestral. Leer más.