Here, we investigated the relationship between mite load, throat coloration (orange, yellow, and white), and cell-mediated immune responsiveness (CMI) in the Atlas day gecko, Quedenfeldtia trachyblepharus (Boettger, 1874) during its post-mating period. Leer más.

Scientists believe that animals imported from Asia as a part of the commercial pet trade brought the disease to Europe, and managers are concerned that amphibians imported from Europe could similarly introduce the disease to the U.S. Exotic pets can escape their owners. Leer más.
Scientists studying green and loggerhead turtles in Cyprus found that these marine reptiles are adjusting their schedules in response to warming ocean temperatures, helping to maintain a balance in hatchling success and sex ratios. While this shift appears to be a promising sign of resilience, researchers warn that it might not be enough in the long run. Leer más.
Un estudio predice que hasta el 36% de sus hábitats en el mundo se verán afectados por una combinación del aumento de las temperaturas y la escasez de agua. Leer más.
Aunque el objetivo de quienes han colocado estos artefactos en la naturaleza no era matar animales, sino cercar el ganado, han acabado convirtiéndose en trampas mortales para anfibios, reptiles y pequeños mamíferos, sin mencionar a los invertebrados. Leer más.