Año con año, entre los meses de octubre y abril, una impresionante cantidad de este tipo de reptiles acuáticos anidan en un muy singular destino asiático. El espacio, es conocido a nivel mundial por albergar y proteger a miles de tortugas golfinas. Leer más.

Ecological niche modelling suggests that the species’ range may be nearly twice as large as previously assumed from its entire range, now extending into Tabuk, Medina, Bahah, and Ha’il Provinces of Saudi Arabia, showing a significant range extension. Leer más.
Dryland restoration is a challenging task due to the intrinsic low resilience and vulnerability to land degradation of these ecosystems. Restoring vegetation communities is often the first step to reinstating ecosystem health; however, resorting to activities such as tree planting is increasingly called into question, as it may lead to abrupt habitat changes, with unpredictable effects on faunal communities. Leer más.
Aanimals from the high-density treatment experienced compensatory growth post-metamorphosis, demonstrating accelerated growth in body size and relative femur length compared with animals from the low-density treatments, despite not “catching-up” in size. Leer más.