
Basic and Applied Herpetology. Vol 35 (2021). Published: 2021-12-19. 


  • First record of amphibian mortality associated with the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Catalonia (NE Spain) Albert Martinez-Silvestre, Roser Velarde, Rachel E. Marschang, Iago Pérez-Novo, Josep Francesc Bisbal-Chinesta, Barbora Thumsova, Jaime Bosch. 5-17
  • Analysis of the scientific production on sea turtles in Cabo Verde. Gisela Marín-Capuz, Javier Menéndez-Blázquez. 19-34
  • Growth patterns of Emys orbicularis across a range of aquatic habitats: a long-term study. Daniel Escoriza, Santiago Poch, Pau Sunyer-Sala, Dani Boix. 35-43
  • A management plan for a declining population of the Souss valley tortoise in an arid steppe-land of west-central Morocco. Hichami Nawal, Mohammed Znari. 45-61
  • Prevalence and intensity of gastrointestinal parasites in the vulnerable spur-thighed tortoise (Testudo graeca) from the central-western of Morocco. El-Mustapha Laghzaoui, Omar Amahmid, Abdelaziz Abbad, El Hassan El Mouden- 63-75
  • Short Notes
    Further molecular assessment of the distribution of Spanish sand racers (Lacertidae; Psammodromus)
    Joaquim Filipe Faria, Miguel A Carretero, David James Harris

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