
Particularly, the study of diets at the molecular level identified plant species consumed by lizards that were, occasionally, not identified in morphological analyses. Conversely, the traditional morphological study of an equivalent number of fecal samples allowed for the identification of several prey groups that had not been detected in the molecular study. From this viewpoint, the advantages and disadvantages of each methodology are discussed. Leer más.


Our results show that offspring phenotypes are mainly determined by genetic factors and maternal effects, while paternal effects and residual environmental influences are minimal. This suggests a high evolutionary potential for head shape in the Hungarian meadow viper, which suggests a strong contribution of this ecologically relevant trait in shaping the ability of this endangered species to adapt to changing conditions and/or habitats and which would be useful to consider in captive breeding procedures for conservation efforts. Duarte Oliveira, Bálint Halpern, Fernando Martínez-Freiría and Antigoni Kaliontzopoulou. Leer más.
