
I tested for the correlation between the extension of the dark colouration and several morphological traits (body size, head size and limb length) in the gecko, as well as parasitism by mites and age. No relationship was found between dark colouration and parasitism, age and limb length, but the extension of the dark colouration was positively correlated with head size controlled for body size. Leer más.


La guia dels rèptils de Catalunya és una obra exhaustiva adreçada a totes les persones interessades a descobrir i aprendre a identificar les tortugues, els saures i les serps del nostre territori. Al llarg de les 280 pàgines del llibre, s’hi recull el coneixement més actualitzat sobre la biologia, la patologia, la conservació, la biogeografia, la filogènia, la taxonomia i la identificació de tots els rèptils autòctons i introduïts. A més, inclou projectes de conservació impulsats per professionals i aficionats, centrats en les espècies més amenaçades. Leer más.

Our results suggest that radiation levels currently experienced by Chornobyl tree frogs may not be high enough to cause severe chronic damage to semi-aquatic vertebrates such as this species. This is the first study addressing age and stress hormones in Chornobyl wildlife, and thus future research will confirm if these results can be extended to other taxa. Leer más.


Overall, our results showed that the studied amphibian metacommunity was negatively influenced both by direct and indirect anthropogenic factors, but also that many amphibian species were not only capable of occupying sites which had been altered by human action, but were even favored by land uses generating open habitat, a habitat type that is increasingly uncommon in the region, in the entire Iberian Peninsula and in Europe. Leer más.
