Our findings corroborate cytonuclear discordances in Podarcis, with nuclear genes failing to identify the mitochondrial clades in P. lusitanicus. Despite its separation from other Podarcis species approximately 4 million years ago, its diversification occurred much more recently, around 0.4 million years ago, resulting in three monophyletic lineages that are geographically coherent. Leer más.

The findings indicate that thermal physiology may not be a limiting factor for dendrobatid frog species’ ranges in this equatorial mountain gradient. Highland species may need to adapt to suboptimal performance, while some lowland species could occupy higher elevations. Leer más.
Eastern Europe and Ukraine are predicted to be the areas with most suitable habitats for the European pond turtle yet with most limited overlap with the invasive alien species. We conclude that Eastern Europe and Ukraine are the most relevant priority conservation areas for the European pond turtle where it is now necessary to take protective measures to ensure safe habitat for this native species on the long-term. Leer más.
Overall, this study reveals a positive correlation between patterns of morphological and genetic variation across a hybrid zone and provides insights into the phenotypic consequences of hybridization on these viper species. Leer más.
Overall, our study shows that mounting an immune response is costly in terms of reduced attractiveness. Moreover, we disentangle the underlying mechanism, which involves an honest signal based on vitamin D allocation. Leer más.