
Conservation Job Board. TSA

Sea Turtle Conservancy (STC) announces an opening for Station Manager of its Biological Field Station atTortuguero,Costa Rica. STC’s Tortuguero Biological Field Station is home of the longest-continuous sea turtle research and protection program in the world. Spanning 55 years, the program at Tortuguero is monitoring and protecting one of the largest green turtle rookeries in the world; providing intense field research training to young biologists; and is a global model for volunteer eco-tourism. For information and images of the station and the work taking place there, see http://www.conserveturtles.org/volunteer-research-programs.php?page=station. – See more at: http://www.conservationjobboard.com/Job-Listing-Station-Manager,-Sea-Turtle-Conservancy-Biological-Station,-Tortuguero,-Costa-Rica/39361668?utm_content=buffereed23&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer#sthash.QKLi1DXg.dpuf. Leer más.
