
Linking phenotypes to decipher Mediterranean biodiversity. Dimecres 5 de febrer de 2020 18:00

Linking macroevolutionary diversity patterns to the microevolutionary processes that shape them is a long-standing endeavour for evolutionary biologists, and it can be key for deciphering the ecological dynamics that shape biodiversity patterns. In this talk, I will use examples from several Mediterranean reptile taxa to illustrate how this approach can give insights into how historical biogeography, habitat use, and climatic niche have contributed to the amazing variety of organism forms and colours that make up our own biodiversity hotspot. Ponent: Antigoni Kaliontzopoulou, investigadora del CIBIO/inBIO, Xarxa de Recerca en Biodiversitat i Biologia Evolutiva de la Universitat de Porto. Idioma vehicular: anglès. Lloc: sala d’actes del Castell dels Tres Dragons (Laboratori de Natura, pg. Picasso, s/n). Leer más.


